Currently, the great challenge of the Ministries of Education of the countries is to offer compatible education, in extension and quality, through the fulfillment of their priority plans, which are based on constitutional duties, which can no longer be only centered on their needs social, and, yes, also respond to the demands required by a globalized world where the “virtual borders” are increasingly open.
In this context, we share this challenge, and take the initiative to undertake a project that complements government proposals, in order to bring education and culture to children – in a simple and practical way – using digital technologies for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) connected to the Internet that educators or schools already have.
Our work is in line with the actions presented by international organizations (UN, UNESCO and UNICEF), by the new Brazilian educational principles established by the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), and follows market trends that unite education, entertainment and technologies.
From this, we created the navigationmundo.com platform, which provides podcast (audio) digital file content for children to listen by autonomous decision in non-formal environments and which can also be used by educators – as a pedagogical support tool – in conventional situations of teaching-learning.
Navegamundo Podcasts are presented in different styles:
- – For children: audio-stories about different cultures and realities.
- – For educators: informative podcasts on trends in education and technology, and audio-narratives with educational content.
In the 21st century education model, the School plays a fundamental role as a curator of teaching tools, and can, with its vast pedagogical experience, deepen the content provided by Navegamundo Podcasts, transforming the students’ learning process into something pleasurable, fun, with high educational and cultural value.
All new Basic Education Curriculums in Brazil must follow the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) as a reference.
In terms of educational policies, the BNCC impacts on:
– Preparation of local curricula and teaching material
– Initial and continuing teacher training
– Assessment and pedagogical support for students
The 10 general competencies that BNCC/Brasil encourages are in line with contemporary challenges. How wonderful!
These are:
1. Knowledge
2. Scientific, critical and creative thinking
3. Cultural repertoire
4. Communication
5. Digital culture
6. Work and life project
7. Argumentation
8. Self-knowledge and self-care
9. Empathy and cooperation
10. Responsibility and citizenship
We suggest incorporating into the school’s activity plan the use of Navegamundo Podcasts to work – in particular – BNCC competences 3, 5 and 9.
What technology do you need?
Just a smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet; it can be a personal or school-provided device.
What is the starting point?
Listen, together with the students, to the podcasts – Navegamundo’s Cultural Children’s Tales.
How to explore the contents pedagogically?
Considering that Navegamundo Podcasts can be a tool to support teaching, we cite these suggestions:
– Show students on the map where the plot of each of the cultural children’s tales takes place.
– Score and/or deepen the themes highlighted within each of the scripts of the available podcasts.
– Encourage everyone to modify the ending of the story and share their version with the group.
– Relate the facts of the children’s story to the students’ reality: what is the same and what is different.
– Encourage students to find solutions to problems – related to the theme of the podcast – applied to their family and social surroundings.
– Propose complementary activities based on the themes of each of the Navegamundo audio stories, such as arts, theater, cooking, etc.
If the school makes Internet-connected devices available to students, they can perform individual search activities and then share the findings with the group. Other suggestions would be to motivate students to:
Encourage them to search the map for the country where the audio-story (Navegamundo Podcasts) takes place.
Guide their research on the Internet so that they look for other information or curiosities about the theme/country where the chosen cultural children’s tale takes place. Encourage them to explore photos, texts, videos from reputable sources on the Internet.
After all, the 21st century requires new skills, including the expansion of technological skills and cultural repertoire. Therefore, we need to prepare our children to live and work in a world that will be increasingly hyperconnected, especially virtually. Therefore, we believe that the contents of Navegamundo can contribute to this process.